Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève


Enis Belgacem's picture
Postdoc interested in
Modified gravity, Dark energy, Gravitational waves
No picture yet
PhD student interested in
Modified gravity, Black Holes, Gravitational waves, Dark energy
Sebastian Belkner's picture
PhD student interested in
CMB lensing, CMB-S4, Non-Gaussianity, PICO, Primordial fluctuations
Camille Bonvin's picture
Staff interested in
Large-scale structure, Dark energy, Modified gravity, Relativistic effects, Gravitational waves, Euclid Collaboration, SKA Collaboration
Chiara Caprini's picture
Staff interested in
Cosmological Perturbation Theory, ET, ESA Voyage 2050, Gravitational waves, gravitational wave propagation in curved spacetime, LISA, Magnetic fields, Phase transitions, Standard Sirens, Theoretical Cosmology, Early Universe
Julien Carron's picture
Staff interested in
CMB lensing, Cosmic microwave background, Simons Observatory Collaboration, cmbs4 collaboration
Sveva Castello's picture
PhD student interested in
Dark energy, Large-scale structure, Modified gravity
No picture yet
Postdoc interested in
Large-scale structure, Cosmological Perturbation Theory, Dark energy, Cosmological tensions, Massive neutrinos
Giulia Cusin's picture
Collaborateur scientifique II interested in
Gravitational waves, Gravitational lensing, Large scale structure
No picture yet
Postdoc interested in
Large-scale structure, Relativistic aspects of cosmology, Clustering
Omar Darwish's picture
Postdoc interested in
CMB lensing, Cross-correlations, Galaxy clustering, primordial non-Gaussianity
Enea Di Dio's picture
Postdoc interested in
Dark energy, Large-scale structure
Ruth Durrer's picture
Staff interested in
Magnetic fields, Cosmic microwave background, Topological defects, Dark energy, Inflation, Gravitational waves, Large-scale structure, Euclid Collaboration
Stefano Foffa's picture
Staff interested in
Gravitational waves, General relativity
Nastassia Grimm's picture
Postdoc interested in
Large scale structure, Relativistic effects, Modified gravity, Gravitational lensing
Francesco Iacovelli's picture
PhD student interested in
Gravitational waves, Modified gravity, Dark energy, ET
Goran Jelic-Cizmek's picture
Postdoc interested in
N-body simulations, Euclid Collaboration, High-performance Computing, Large scale structure
Martin Kunz's picture
Staff interested in
Dark energy, Cosmic microwave background, Topological defects, Inflation, Modified gravity, Euclid Collaboration
Fabien Lacasa's picture
Postdoc interested in
Large scale structure, Euclid Collaboration, Cosmic microwave background, Clustering
Lucas Lombriser's picture
Staff interested in
Large-scale structure, Gravitational waves, Dark energy, Modified gravity, Euclid Collaboration, LISA, Cosmological Constant Problem
Michele Maggiore's picture
Staff interested in
Gravitational waves, Large-scale structure, Dark energy
Antonino Salvino Midiri's picture
PhD student interested in
Theoretical Cosmology, Physics beyond the Standard Model, Gravitational waves, Phase transitions, MHD turbulence, Magnetic fields, Supergravity
Niccolò Muttoni's picture
PhD student interested in
Gravitational waves, Data Analysis, cosmological parameters, Standard Sirens, ET
No picture yet
Postdoc interested in
HIRAX collaboration, Large-scale structure, CMB lensing, Galaxy-IM cross correlation, Local large-scale voids, 21cm Cosmology, Gravitational lensing
Ahmad Nouri's picture
PhD student interested in
Dark energy, Modified gravity, Large scale structure, Euclid Collaboration
Hamsa Padmanabhan's picture
Collaborateur scientifique II interested in
Cosmology with Neutral Hydrogen, Cosmic Reionization, Supermassive Black Holes, Gravitational waves, Intensity Mapping, Intergalactic Medium, Cosmic microwave background, Theoretical physics, Theoretical Cosmology
Davide Perrone's picture
PhD student interested in
Effective theories, Black Holes
No picture yet
PhD student interested in
Gravitational waves
Simona Procacci's picture
Postdoc interested in
Gravitational waves, Early Universe, Reheating epoch, Phase transitions, Cosmic Inflation, Cosmological Perturbation Theory, LISA
Antonio Riotto's picture
Staff interested in
Inflation, Cosmic microwave background, Large-scale structure, Dark matter, Baryon asymmetry
Francesco Riva's picture
Staff interested in
Collider Phenomenology, Effective theories, Physics beyond the Standard Model
Alberto Roper Pol's picture
Collaborateur scientifique II interested in
Gravitational waves, Magnetic fields, Theoretical Cosmology, LISA, Phase transitions, MHD turbulence, High-performance Computing
Daniel  Sobral Blanco's picture
PhD student interested in
Large scale structure, Cosmological Costant Problem, Dark energy, General relativity and beyond, Scalar-tensor theories
Francesco Sorrenti's picture
PhD student interested in
Large scale structure, Weak lensing
Dennis Stock's picture
Postdoc interested in
General relativity, inhomogeneous cosmology, Relativistic aspects of cosmology, Relativistic effects


Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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