Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève


ET (EinsteinTelescope) is a proposed GW underground observatory which will greatly improve the performances of the current ones (LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA), building on new advanced technological solutions. It is foreseen to be operational in the mid-2030's and it will offer an unprecedented vision of the GW universe, being able to detect binary mergers up to the cosmological horizon.

The following Geneva Cosmology Group members are involved in ET: Michele Maggiore (member of the Steering Committee and co-chair of the Observational Science Board), Giulia Cusin (Coordinator of the ET OSB Division 3: Population Studies), Antonio Riotto (Coordinator of the ET OSB Division 3: Population Studies),Valerio De Luca, Andreas Finke, Stefano Foffa, Gabriele Franciolini, Francesco Iacovelli and Michele Mancarella.

Our contribution concerns theoretical studies of the implications of ET for dark energy, dark matter, modified gravity, and cosmology, with particular focus on the use of standard sirens to study the imprint of dark energy on GW propagation.

Confusion noise from astrophysical backgrounds at third-generation gravitational-wave detector networks
Topics: Gravitational waves, ET
Date: 7. November 2024
Online abstract: arXiv:2411.04029
Members involved: Enis Belgacem, Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Maggiore, Michele Mancarella, Niccolò Muttoni
Forecasting the population properties of merging black holes
Topics: Gravitational waves, ET, parameter-estimation
Date: 18. February 2025
Online abstract: arXiv:2410.17325, Phys. Rev. D 111, 044048, 2024
Members involved: Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Mancarella
Combining underground and on-surface third-generation gravitational-wave interferometers
Topics: ET, Gravitational waves
Date: 25. October 2024
Online abstract: arXiv:2408.14946, JCAP 10 (2024) 085
Members involved: Francesco Iacovelli, Enis Belgacem, Michele Maggiore, Michele Mancarella, Niccolò Muttoni
Classifying binary black holes from Population III stars with the Einstein Telescope: a machine-learning approach
Topics: Gravitational waves, ET
Date: 22. October 2024
Online abstract: arXiv:2404.10048, Astron. Astrophys. 690 (2024) A362
Members involved: Francesco Iacovelli
Nuclear physics constraints from binary neutron star mergers in the Einstein Telescope era
Topics: Gravitational waves, ET
Date: 15. December 2023
Online abstract: arXiv:2308.12378, Phys. Rev. D 108, 122006, 2023
Members involved: Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Mancarella, Michele Maggiore
Searching for Primordial Black Holes with the Einstein Telescope: impact of design and systematics
Topics: ET, Primordial Black Holes, Gravitational waves
Date: 3. August 2023
Online abstract: arXiv:2304.03160, Phys. Rev. D 108, 043506, 2023
Members involved: Gabriele Franciolini, Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Mancarella, Michele Maggiore, Antonio Riotto
Inferring, not just detecting: metrics for high-redshift sources observed with third-generation gravitational-wave detectors
Topics: Gravitational waves, ET
Date: 16. May 2023
Online abstract: arXiv:2303.16323, Phys. Rev. D 107, L101302 2023
Members involved: Michele Mancarella, Francesco Iacovelli
Science with the Einstein Telescope: a comparison of different designs
Topics: ET, Gravitational waves
Date: 28. July 2023
Online abstract: arXiv:2303.15923, JCAP 07 (2023) 068
Members involved: Michele Maggiore, Enis Belgacem, Giulia Cusin, Valerio De Luca, Stefano Foffa, Gabriele Franciolini, Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Mancarella, Niccolò Muttoni, Antonio Riotto
Topics: Gravitational waves, ET
Date: 8. September 2022
Online abstract:
Members involved: Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Mancarella, Stefano Foffa, Michele Maggiore
Forecasting the detection capabilities of third-generation gravitational-wave detectors using GWFAST
Topics: Gravitational waves, ET
Date: 27. December 2022
Online abstract: arXiv:2207.06910, ApJ 941 208 (2022)
Members involved: Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Mancarella, Stefano Foffa, Michele Maggiore



Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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