The following Geneva Cosmology Group members are involved in ET: Michele Maggiore (member of the Steering Committee and co-chair of the Observational Science Board), Giulia Cusin (Coordinator of the ET OSB Division 3: Population Studies), Antonio Riotto (Coordinator of the ET OSB Division 3: Population Studies),Valerio De Luca, Andreas Finke, Stefano Foffa, Gabriele Franciolini, Francesco Iacovelli and Michele Mancarella.
Our contribution concerns theoretical studies of the implications of ET for dark energy, dark matter, modified gravity, and cosmology, with particular focus on the use of standard sirens to study the imprint of dark energy on GW propagation.
Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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