Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève

Euclid Collaboration

 Euclid satellite


Euclid is an ESA medium class astronomy and astrophysics space mission which launch is planned for Q1 2020. The Euclid mission aims at understanding why the expansion of the Universe is accelerating and what is the nature of the source responsible for this acceleration which cosmologists refer to as dark energy.

Euclid will explore how the Universe evolved the past 10 billion years to adress questions related to fundamental physics and cosmology on the nature and properties of dark energy, dark matter, and gravity, as well as on the physics of the early universe and the initial conditions which seed the formation of cosmic structure.

The imprints of dark energy and gravity will be tracked by using two complementary cosmological probes to capture signatures of the expansion rate of the Universe and the growth of cosmic structures: Weak gravitational Lensing and Galaxy Clustering (Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations and Red-shift Space Distortion). Euclid will probe the expansion history of the Universe and the evolution of cosmic structures by measuring the modification of shapes of galaxies induced by gravitational lensing effects of dark matter and the 3-dimension distribution of structures from spectroscopic red-shifts of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Euclid will observe 15,000 deg2 of the darkest sky that is free of contamination by light from our Galaxy and our Solar System.      

Recent publications and presentations on this topic
Date: 22. May 2024
Members involved: Camille Bonvin, Ruth Durrer, Martin Kunz, Fabien Lacasa, Lucas Lombriser, Azadeh Moradinezhad , Ahmad Nouri, Francesco Sorrenti
Topics: Euclid Collaboration
Type: Publication
Date: 22. November 2023
Members involved: Benjamin Bose, Lucas Lombriser, Martin Kunz, Louis Legrand
Topics: Euclid Collaboration, Large-Scale Strucure, Non-linearities, Clustering
Type: Publication
Date: 6. November 2023
Members involved: Goran Jelic-Cizmek, Francesco Sorrenti, Camille Bonvin, Ruth Durrer, Martin Kunz, Lucas Lombriser
Topics: Large-scale structure, cosmological parameters, Euclid Collaboration
Type: Publication
Date: 21. June 2023
Members involved: Lucas Lombriser, Isaac Tutusaus, Emilio Bellini, Benjamin Bose, Louis Legrand, Martin Kunz
Topics: Euclid Collaboration
Type: Publication
Date: 20. June 2023
Members involved: Lucas Lombriser, Fabien Lacasa, Isaac Tutusaus, Martin Kunz
Topics: Euclid Collaboration
Type: Publication
Date: 21. July 2022
Members involved: Lucas Lombriser, Isaac Tutusaus, Martin Kunz
Topics: Euclid Collaboration, inhomogeneous cosmology
Type: Publication
Date: 11. October 2021
Members involved: Goran Jelic-Cizmek, Ruth Durrer, Camille Bonvin, Martin Kunz, Isaac Tutusaus, Francesca Lepori
Topics: Euclid Collaboration, Large scale structure, Relativistic effects
Type: Publication
Date: 4. June 2015
Members involved: Ruth Durrer, Francesco Montanari
Topics: Large-scale structure, Euclid Collaboration
Type: Publication
Date: 25. May 2015
Members involved: Francesco Montanari, Ruth Durrer
Topics: Large-scale structure, Euclid Collaboration
Type: Publication
Date: 29. August 2013
Members involved: Enea Di Dio, Francesco Montanari, Ruth Durrer
Topics: Large-scale structure, Euclid Collaboration
Type: Publication


Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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