Research Tools
Here's a list of the codes and data pruduced by group members. You can filter by topic using the drop-down menu.
GWFAST Date: 8. September 2022 Topics: Gravitational waves, ET |
limHaloPT: One-loop Halo Model for Line Intensity Mapping Date: 5. November 2021 Topics: Line Intensity Mapping, Non-linear Power Spectrum |
DarkSirensStat Date: 12. August 2021 Topics: Gravitational waves, Dark Sirens |
COFFE Date: 19. June 2018 Topics: Large scale structure, Clustering, Relativistic aspects of cosmology, Code |
LATfield2d Date: 12. November 2014 Topics: Classical field theory simulation, Massively Parallel Computers |
CosmoMC and CAMB with early dark energy and anisotropic stress Date: 24. February 2014 Topics: Dark energy, Anisotropic stress, Cosmic microwave background |
CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies from the large-N limit of Global Defects Date: 15. November 2013 Topics: Cosmic microwave background, Topological defects |
CLASSgal Date: 4. July 2013 Topics: Large-scale structure, General relativity, Cosmic microwave background |
Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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