Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève

CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies from the large-N limit of Global Defects


Cl's of TT, EE, TE and BB channels in the CMB, from the large-N limit of global defects


* See our paper http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1311.3225, particularly for explanations about differences between the so called

'method 1', 'method 2' and 'method 3'  in this project. 


* Each .zip file ('method1.zip', 'method2.zip' and 'method3.zip'), after uncompressed, contains the following files:


CLsPartialSumsTT.txt, CLsPartialSumScalarsTT.txt, CLsPartialSumVectorsTT.txt, CLsPartialSumTensorsTT.txt

CLsPartialSumsEE.txt, CLsPartialSumScalarsEE.txt, CLsPartialSumVectorsEE.txt, CLsPartialSumTensorsEE.txt 

CLsPartialSumsTE.txt, CLsPartialSumScalarsTE.txt, CLsPartialSumVectorsTE.txt, CLsPartialSumTensorsTE.txt

CLsPartialSumsBB.txt, CLsPartialSumVectorsBB.txt, CLsPartialSumTensorsBB.txt 



* FILEs EXPLANATION (read also NOTE at the bottom):


CLsPartialSumsXX, contains for the channel XX, from l = 2 to l = 5000, the columns:

l, l(l+1)C_l^1, l(l+1)C_l^2, ....., l(l+1)C_l^199 

where C_l^m = \sum_{i = 1}^m C_l^{(i)},   with C_l^{(i)} the power spectrum from the i-th eigenvector,

summing up all the pertubations (scalar+vector+tensor) 


CLsPartialSumScalarsXX, contains for the channel XX, from l = 2 to l = 5000, the columns:

l, l(l+1)C_l^1, l(l+1)C_l^2, ....., l(l+1)C_l^199 

where C_l^m = \sum_{i = 1}^m C_l^{(i)},   with C_l^{(i)} the power spectrum from the i-th eigenvector of the scalar perturbations


CLsPartialSumVectorsXX, contains for the channel XX, from l = 2 to l = 5000, the columns:

l, l(l+1)C_l^1, l(l+1)C_l^2, ....., l(l+1)C_l^199 

where C_l^m = \sum_{i = 1}^m C_l^{(i)},   with C_l^{(i)} the power spectrum from the i-th eigenvector of the vector perturbations


CLsPartialSumTensorsXX, contains for the channel XX, from l = 2 to l = 5000, the columns:

l, l(l+1)C_l^1, l(l+1)C_l^2, ....., l(l+1)C_l^199 

where C_l^m = \sum_{i = 1}^m C_l^{(i)},   with C_l^{(i)} the power spectrum from the i-th eigenvector of the tensor perturbations


CLsTotal_TT_EE_BB_TE_evs1to199, contains from l = 2 to l = 5000, the columns:

l, l(l+1)C_l^TT, l(l+1)C_l^EE, l(l+1)C_l^BB, l(l+1)C_l^TE

where C_l^XX = \sum_{i = 1}^199 C_l^{XX(i)},   with C_l^{XX(i)} the power spectrum in the channel XX from the i-th eigenvector,

summing up all perturbations (scalar + vector + tensor)



NOTE: The tensor contribution to TT from l > 1500 has to be replaced by an appropriate power law, following the slope from its

behavior at smaller multipole-l, and matching it at l = 1500.



Any doubt, just contact us at daniel.FIGUEROA@unige.ch 

Salut y Forza al Canut!!

Ruth Durrer, Elisa Fenu, Daniel G. Figueroa, Juan Garcia-Bellido and Martin Kunz
15. November 2013


Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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