Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève

Ruth Durrer

Ruth Durrer's picture
EP 228
+41 22 379 68 84


PhD Zürich University 1988
Post Doc Cambridge 1988-89,  Princeton 1989-91,  Zürich 1991-92
Assistent Professor Zürich 1992-95
Full Professor Geneva University 1995-

Recent publications and presentations:

Date: 2. May 2016
Members involved: Azadeh Moradinezhad , Ruth Durrer
Topics: Tests of GR, Large scale structure
Type: Publication
Date: 15. October 2015
Members involved: Ruth Durrer, Giovanni Marozzi
Topics: Large-scale structure, General relativity
Type: Publication
Date: 6. October 2015
Members involved: Vittorio Tansella, Ruth Durrer
Topics: Cosmic microwave background, lensing, Gravitational waves
Type: Publication
Date: 5. September 2015
Members involved: Julian Adamek, David Daverio, Ruth Durrer, Martin Kunz
Topics: General relativity, Large-scale structure, N-body simulations
Type: Publication
Date: 4. June 2015
Members involved: Ruth Durrer, Francesco Montanari
Topics: Large-scale structure, Euclid Collaboration
Type: Publication
Date: 25. May 2015
Members involved: Francesco Montanari, Ruth Durrer
Topics: Large-scale structure, Euclid Collaboration
Type: Publication
Date: 27. March 2015
Members involved: Ruth Durrer
Topics: Cosmic microwave background, lensing
Type: Publication
Date: 22. September 2014
Members involved: Ruth Durrer
Topics: Cosmic microwave background, Clustering, lensing, parameter-estimation
Type: Presentation
Date: 22. September 2014
Members involved: Ruth Durrer
Topics: Cosmic microwave background, Clustering, lensing
Type: Publication
Date: 14. August 2014
Members involved: Julian Adamek, Ruth Durrer, Martin Kunz
Topics: N-body simulations, General relativity, Large-scale structure
Type: Publication



Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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