Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève


Here's a list of the recent publications pruduced by group members. Each paper comes with a non-expert description of it's topic and results. You can filter by topic using the drop-down menu, or click on topics and member names to get more details.

Foreground Separation and Constraints on Primordial Gravitational Waves with the PICO Space Mission
Date: 25. November 2022
Members involved: Sebastian Belkner, Julien Carron
Online abstract: Foreground Separation and Constraints on Primordial Gravitational Waves with the PICO Space Mission
Measuring the distortion of time with relativistic effects in large-scale structure
Date: 24. November 2022
Members involved: Daniel Sobral Blanco, Camille Bonvin
Topics: Large scale structure, Relativistic effects, General relativity
Online abstract: arXiv:2205.02567
Shape of the hot topological charge density spectral function
Date: 21. November 2022
Members involved: Simona Procacci
Topics: Transport coefficients, Axions
Online abstract: arXiv:2209.13804
SIMBIG: A Forward Modeling Approach To Analyzing Galaxy Clustering
Date: 3. November 2022
Members involved: Azadeh Moradinezhad , Muntazir Abidi
Topics: Large-Scale Strucure, Galaxy clustering, Simulation-Based Inference
Online abstract: arXiv:2211.00723
SIMBIG: Mock Challenge for a Forward Modeling Approach to Galaxy Clustering
Date: 3. November 2022
Members involved: Azadeh Moradinezhad , Muntazir Abidi
Topics: Large-Scale Strucure, Galaxy clustering, Simulation-Based Inference
Online abstract: arXiv:2211.00660
Cosmological Information in Skew Spectra of Biased Tracers in Redshift Space
Date: 23. October 2022
Members involved: Azadeh Moradinezhad
Topics: Large-Scale Strucure, Galaxy Bispectrum, Skew Spectra
Online abstract: arXiv:2210.12743
GWFAST: A Fisher Information Matrix Python Code for Third-generation Gravitational-wave Detectors
Date: 21. October 2022
Members involved: Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Mancarella, Stefano Foffa, Michele Maggiore
Topics: Gravitational waves, ET
Online abstract: arXiv:2207.06910, ApJS 263 2 (2022)
Planck ISW-lensing likelihood and the CMB temperature
Date: 7. October 2022
Members involved: Julien Carron
Topics: Cosmic microwave background, Large scale structure, CMB lensing
Online abstract: arXiv:2209.07395
Fast and accurate predictions of the nonlinear matter power spectrum for general models of Dark Energy and Modified Gravity
Date: 4. October 2022
Members involved: Benjamin Bose, Joe Kennedy, Lucas Lombriser
Topics: Large-Scale Strucure, Non-linear Power Spectrum, Modified gravity, Dark energy
Online abstract: arXiv:2210.01094
Statistical effects of the observer’s peculiar velocity on source number counts
Date: 30. September 2022
Members involved: Charles Dalang, Ruth Durrer, Fabien Lacasa
Topics: cosmic anisotropy, CMB Dipole
Online abstract: 2209.12812



Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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