Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève


Here's a list of the recent publications pruduced by group members. Each paper comes with a non-expert description of it's topic and results. You can filter by topic using the drop-down menu, or click on topics and member names to get more details.

The four-point correlator in multifield inflation, the operator product expansion and the symmetries of de Sitter
Date: 8. October 2012
Members involved: Antonio Riotto
Topics: Inflation
Online abstract: arXiv:1210.1918
Excursion set peaks: a self-consistent model of dark halo abundances and clustering
Date: 5. October 2012
Members involved: Vincent Desjacques
Topics: Large-scale structure
Online abstract: arXiv:1210.1483
Effective perfect fluids in cosmology
Date: 4. October 2012
Members involved: Guillermo Ballesteros
Topics: Perturbation Theory, Effective theories
Online abstract: arXiv:1210.1561
The second-order luminosity-redshift relation in a generic inhomogeneous cosmology
Date: 20. September 2012
Members involved: Giovanni Marozzi
Topics: Dark energy
Online abstract: arXiv:1209.4326
Cosmological Ohm's law and dynamics of non-minimal electromagnetism
Date: 31. August 2012
Members involved: Lukas Hollenstein, Rajeev Kumar Jain
Topics: Magnetic fields
Online abstract: arXiv:1208.6547
High performance P3M N-body code: CUBEP3M
Date: 25. August 2012
Members involved: Vincent Desjacques
Topics: Large-scale structure, N-body simulations
Online abstract: arXiv:1208.5098
Testing multi-field inflation with galaxy bias
Date: 9. August 2012
Members involved: Matteo Biagetti, Vincent Desjacques, Antonio Riotto
Topics: Dark matter, Inflation, Large-scale structure
Online abstract: arXiv:1208.1616
Cosmological perturbations from the Standard Model Higgs
Date: 8. August 2012
Members involved: Antonio Riotto
Topics: Inflation, Quantum field theory
Online abstract: arXiv:1208.1344
A Magnetic Consistency Relation
Date: 17. July 2012
Members involved: Rajeev Kumar Jain
Topics: Inflation, Magnetic fields, Non-Gaussianity
Online abstract: arXiv:1207.4187
Optimal Weighting in Galaxy Surveys: Application to Redshift-Space Distortions
Date: 4. July 2012
Members involved: Vincent Desjacques
Topics: Large-scale structure, N-body simulations
Online abstract: arXiv:1207.1102



Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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