Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève


Here's a list of the recent publications pruduced by group members. Each paper comes with a non-expert description of it's topic and results. You can filter by topic using the drop-down menu, or click on topics and member names to get more details.

Anisotropies in the Gravitational Wave Background from Preheating
Date: 10. April 2013
Members involved: Daniel Figueroa
Topics: Gravitational waves, Inflation
Online abstract: arXiv:1304.2657
Gauge invariant backreaction in general single field models of inflation
Date: 9. April 2013
Members involved: Giovanni Marozzi
Topics: Inflation
Online abstract: arXiv:1304.2291
Interpretation of AMS-02 Results: Correlations among Dark Matter Signals
Date: 5. April 2013
Members involved: Antonio Riotto
Topics: Dark matter
Online abstract: arXiv:1304.1336
Cosmological Magnetic Fields: Their Generation, Evolution and Observation
Date: 28. March 2013
Members involved: Ruth Durrer
Topics: Magnetic fields
Online abstract: arXiv:1303.7121
Bardeen variables and hidden gauge symmetries in linearized massive gravity
Date: 12. March 2013
Members involved: Maud Jaccard, Michele Maggiore, Ermis Mitsou
Topics: Modified gravity
Online abstract: arXiv:1211.1562
The dynamics of the gravitational two-body problem in the post-Newtonian approximation at quadratic order in the Newton's constant.
Date: 8. March 2013
Members involved: Stefano Foffa
Topics: General relativity
Online abstract: arXiv:1206.7087
Tail terms in gravitational radiation reaction via effective field theory.
Date: 27. February 2013
Members involved: Stefano Foffa
Topics: General relativity
Online abstract: arXiv:1111.5488
CosMIn: The Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem
Date: 13. February 2013
Members involved: Hamsa Padmanabhan
Topics: Cosmological constant, Theoretical Cosmology
Online abstract: arXiv:1302.3226
Symmetries and Consistency Relations in the Large Scale Structure of the Universe
Date: 7. February 2013
Members involved: Antonio Riotto
Topics: Large-scale structure
Online abstract: arXiv:1302.0130
Average and dispersion of the luminosity-redshift relation in the concordance model
Date: 5. February 2013
Members involved: Giovanni Marozzi
Topics: Dark energy
Online abstract: arXiv:1302.0740



Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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