Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève


We present the COFFE (COrrelation Function Full-sky Estimator) code, available for download at github.com/JCGoran/coffe.


The code computes the galaxy 2-point function and its multipoles in linear perturbation theory, including all relativistic and wide angle corrections. COFFE also calculates the covariance matrix for two physically relevant estimators of the correlation function multipoles.

The outputs of COFFE are:

  • Angular two-point function
  • Two-point function
  • Multipoles of the two-point function
  • Redshift averaged multipoles of the two-point function
  • Covariance matrix

You can download the User Guide below and the code at github.com/JCGoran/coffe. More details are given in the paper, available at ArXiv:1806.11090

G. Jelic-Cizmek, C. Bonvin, R. Durrer, V. Tansella
19. June 2018


Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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