Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève

On the Starobinsky Model of Inflation from Supergravity

5. July 2013
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F. Farakos, A. Kehagias and A. Riotto [arXiv:1307.1137].

We discuss how the higher-derivative Starobinsky model of inflation originates from N=1 supergravity. It is known that, in the old-minimal supergravity description written by employing a chiral compensator in the superconformal framework, the Starobinsky model is equivalent to a no-scale model with F-term potential. We show that the Starobinsky model can also be originated within the so-called new-minimal supergravity, where a linear compensator supereld is employed. In this formulation, the Starobinsky model is equivalent to standard supergravity coupled to a massive vector multiplet whose lowest scalar component plays the role of the inflaton and the vacuum energy is provided by a D-term potential. We also point out that higher-order corrections to the supergravity Lagrangian represent a threat to the Starobinsky model as they can destroy the flatness of the inflaton potential in its scalar eld equivalent description.


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Université de Genève
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