Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève

Towards a detection of primordial Cosmic Microwave Background B-modes in the presence of instrumental, astrophysical and environmental systematic effects 

25. October 2024 - 11:45 to 13:00
Josquin Errard (APC Paris)
I will introduce some of the major challenges in upcoming polarized cosmic microwave background (CMB) observation projects: removing galactic foregrounds, modeling and mitigating instrumental systematic effects and atmospheric contamination, addressing the impact of gravitational lensing, and developing advanced statistical and computational tools. Following this, I will introduce future CMB observatories and the European SciPol project I am coordinating. This latter project proposes an innovative approach to processing large CMB data sets, by propagating calibration data and leveraging contaminants (such as atmospheric and galactic foregrounds) to enhance our understanding of next-generation CMB instruments and fully utilize their exceptional sensitivity.


Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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