Université de GenèveDépartement de Physique ThéoriqueCAP Genève

Dark Matter Search and Primordial Magnetic Fields

19. October 2018 - 12:00
Tomohiro Fujita (Université de Genève)
In this talk, I would like to discuss two different topics. First, new techniques to search for axion dark matter are presented. Axion is a strongly motivated candidate for dark matter and has been intensively studied in both theoretical and experimental aspects. Here we propose novel ways to detect it by using its property “birefringence” through astrophysical observations and a table-top experiment. The second topic is the phenomenology of cosmic magnetic fields. Their observation, the scenarios of their generation (magnetogenesis), their evolution, the influence of Schwinger effect and a possible connection to baryogenesis will be discussed.


Département de Physique Théorique
Université de Genève
24, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Genève 4
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